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            2 Archival description results for Sandwick

            2 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
            SC12/53/1/ page 455 · Part · 5 June 1701
            Part of Lerwick Sheriff Court records

            '.. 9 merk land 8 pennies the merk in Quarff, 4 merk land in Grunniesound 6 pennies the merk, 4 merk land in Sandweek 8 pennies the merk, ½ merk land in Burgh 6 pennies the merk, 2½ merk land in Sound 9 pennies the merk, 1 merk land in Sound 6 pennies the merk, lying in the parish of Gulberwick; 4 merk 6 ures land in Ham 10 pennies the merk in the island of Bressa; 17 merk land in Caldclift 9 pennies the merk, 4 merk land in Daill 6 pennies the merk, 2 merk land in Hammersland 9 pennies the merk in the parish of Tingwall; 4 merk land in Grobsness 9 pennies the merk, 9 merk land in Baea 6 pennies the merk, 7 merk land in Clivagerth 9 pennies the merk, 7 merk land in Sunsatter 9 pennies the merk, 2 merk land in Udalstoft 12 pennies the merk, 5 merk land in Garden 12 pennies the merk in the parish of Delting; 1 merk 2 ures land in Gilsbreek 12 pennies the merk ... in the parish of Lunnasting ..'

            SC12/53/1/ page 448 · Part · 14 August 1713
            Part of Lerwick Sheriff Court records

            96 merk land in room of Quendale, 66½ merk land in Hillwall, 88 merk land in Gerth, 9 merk land in Culsetter, 12 merk land in Baccaste, 6 merk land in Semblase, 16 merk land in Ringistae, 14 merk 2 ures land in Noss, 3 merk land in Lunabister, 2 merk land in Scousburgh, 27½ merk land in Rearweck, 4 merk land in Bigtowne, 2 merk land in Hellysetter, 1 merk land in Vatsetter, 9 merk land in Deepdale, 29½ merk land land in Scatness yet ½ merk there, 14 merk land in Hestinsgoat, 16 merk land in Utilsgerth, 62½ merk land in Lie, 15 merk land in Oxenstae, 6 merk land in North Dale, 21 merk land in South Dale, 71 merk land in Exnaboe, 6 merk land in South Voe, 1½ merk land in North Voe, 3½ merk land in Simragerth, 16 merk land in Brow, 3 merk land in Voesbodim, 1 merk land in Outvoe, 1½ merk land in Dallsetter, 2 merk land in the Burgh, 18 merk land in Skellberrie, 11½ merk land in Trosweek, 1 merk land in Lugasetter, 1½ merk land in Levinweek, 21 merk land in Channerweek, 10 merk land in Hoesweek, 4 merk land in Cullsetter, 6 merk land in Cumlaweek, 18 merk land in Houland, 18 merk land in Burraland, 12 merk land in Sand, 6 merk land in Liabutune, 36 merk land in Sandweek, 3 merk land in Pickagerth, 15 merk land in Setter with the pendicle belonging thereto called Setteragarth, 8 merk land in Viasetter, 3 merk land in Beolka, ½ merk land in Scarpigerth, 4½ merk land in Gord, 2 merk land in Blostae, 1 merk land in Tow, 2½ merk land in Starkigerth, 5½ merk land in Fladabister, 46 merk land in Aith, together with the island called Musa and the holme called Collsay, the meckle and little cress [grass] holms, all lying in the parish of Dunrossness ....'