Offprint from Post-Medieval Archaeology, 34
Printed illustrated leaflet advertising Shetland hosiery, The Shetland House, 430 Argyle Street, Glasgow, undated. Newspaper article and illustration 'A Shetland spinner', undated with no provenance. Newspaper Illustration 'Interior of Shetland cottage', with woman and spinning wheel, undated with no provenance. Article concening Shetland Spinning (reprinted from The Textile Recorder), dated (in ink) 1898, no provenance. Shetland dialect cartoon: 'Osla - oh, my loard! Curse ipo dat face, whaever he is.. . . . ', undated with no provenance. Advertisement, 'Shetland socks a century ago', for 'Zetland hose' (reprinted from the Edinburgh Advertiser, 11 November 1788), undated with no provenance.