Abridgement of first edition
An Unst fisherman, 'My first voyage to the haaf: an experience of fifty years ago - written in the vernacular of those times';
'Shetland ponies';
J.J.M.M, 'Shetland smuggling stories: being narratives of incidents in the last century';
Music of 'the Foula Reel';
'The sword dance': from The Pirate;
'Shetland Superstitions, Folklore' from Shetland Fireside Tales;
J.J. Haldane Burgess, 'Kirstie Kaddle's yow';
J.J. Haldane Burgess, 'The star' (poem)
Laurence Laurenson,Whalsay 'Yarns of an old Shetlander' ('The Shalderness thief' and 'A whale hunt');
Anonymous, 'Auld Gibbie's hallowe'en';
Reid Tait, 'The history of a crime';
R.S., 'The first Shetland shawl' (poem)
Rognvald V. Thorvald, 'Wanted a pilot';
Nor, 'A tale of two schooners';
'Specimen of old Shetland dialect: copy letter by Mr Archibald Barclay to Mr John Sands, Liverpool';
L.J. Nicolson, 'Du kens my hert is dine' (poem);
Portrait and profile of Christian Ployen;
'Proverbial sayings concerning husbandry, weather, etc.';
'A Shetland heiress, Anno. 1403';
'Earl Rognavald and the Dunrossness man'
Usually includes:
List of Members of Parliament
List of county councillors
Names of county officers and officials
Names of Commissioners of Supply
Names of Justices of the Peace
Names of sanitary inspectors
Names of medical practitioners
List of clergy
District directories
List of first-class Shetland fishing boats
Fishing statistics
Descriptions of parish boundaries
List of post offices and postmasters
Postal statistics
Population statistics
Agricultural statistics
Shipping statistics
Extensively annotated and corrected by R. Stuart Bruce, by whom it was donated to Tom Henderson in 1946, and by William A. Bruce