Because Jhone has no seal of his own he procures those of worshipful men: Gelis Farquhar, bailie to the bishop of Orknay and Jhone of Crage, lawman of Orknay. At Kirkwaw. Witnesses: William Atkynson, thesaurer of Dornoch, Alexander Liske, Andro Rede and William Man, burgesses of Kirkwaw, Nichole of Burrden(?) and George Millar
Witnesses: Gavin Gray, Andrew Gray and Alexander Lesly. John Heroun, clerk of the diocese of St Andrews, notary. In Latin;
Disposition by Michaell Magnusson, nearest heir of his father the deceased Magnus Wilyeamson, to a discreet man Gilbert Cant, of 3 mark land in Beuasetter, isle of Brasay, 'in the parichin of Sanct Olawe'. Michaell also confirms the alienation by his brother Williem Magnusson 'and me' to Gilbert of 6 mark land in Beuasetter. Because Michaell has no seal he procures those of discreet men: sir Andro Hill, vicar of Ounst, and sir Nicholl Wischart, vicar pensioner of Dunrossness, with the 'sing manuell' of sir David Anderson, notary public. Undated. Witnesses: sir Alexander Strang, vicar of Awe(?), Walter Cruny(?), Matheus Mowet, Williem Foular, Gilbert Copland and sir David Farquhar.
Because Margaret has no seal she procures that of an honourable man John Cragy. At Kirkuale,
Witnesses: David Lochmill, rector of Stronsay, Nicol Hawcro, rector of Orphar and William Bosuele.
With typed transcript
Disposition by Thomas Olasone of Veasetyr, now dwelling in Culliasetter, to a worshipful man master Henry Phancoucht, archdeacon of Schetland, of 3½ mark land in Scatness called Brendsowss, 2 mark land in Rygastay, 1½ ('uther half') mark in Schonarwk, 4 mark in Hoyswyk, 3½ mark in Culyasetter, ½ mark in Brendistay, 1 mark in Litillogartht within the Harray, 3 mark in Hammyrisland within the Harray, 4 mark in Catfurd, and the following lands in Quhitness: 6 marks in Wadbusta, 2½ marks land in Hagasta, 4½ marks land in Olagartht, 7 marks in How 'with rocht and owthell', and 9 marks land in Esthous. Because Thomas has no seal he has procured one, and given his full power to Nicoll Hawcro of Tyngwall to procure the signet of a worshipful man, Henry Sinclar of Havera, and the seals of worshipful men, master Henry Strang, vicar of Dunrosness, master Robert Haccat, vicar of Northmavene and sir Thomas Sandsond. At Tyngwall in Schetland, Witnesses: Mawnyss Sinclar, Johne Harcis, Thomas Sandsond, David Fresell, Mawnyss Haw and Nicoll Fydlair;
Disposition by Eduerd Synclar of Stroym, fold of Yetland, to a discreet man Odam of Still, of 5 marks land, 6 pennies the mark, in Russatir in Fetlair. At Voisgarth in Unst, Witnesses: Mr Malcum Hawcro, archdeacon of Yetland, sir Jhon Meson, sir Dave Farquhar, sir Alexander Strang and Vat Froster;
Disposition by Peter Magnussone to a discreet man Gylbert Cant, of 4 marks land, 10 pennies the mark, in Stove in Skarris, parish of Lunestyng, and by Olaf Amphesone, sister son of Peter Magnussone, to Gylbert Cant, of ½ mark land in Stove. Because Peter and Olaf have no seals they procure those of worthy and discreet men: Nycholl Thomassone, lawman of Yetland, Magnus Bolt and Thomas Kettyll. Witnesses: sir George Duff, vicar of Nestyng, Olef Mawgullsone, Bernerd Thomassone, Magnus Olasone, Olay Hammirisland, Mychell of Gletnes and Nycholl of Skellistay;
Tack by sir Nycholl Hawcraye, parson of Orfer, master Adam Stewart, parson of Stronessaye, master Alexander Craik, parson of Hoye, master Alexander Scot, parson of Westraye, master Petyr Houstoun, parson of Our Ladye kirk of Sandaye, and master Andro Hall, parson of the Croce kirk of Sandaye, canons of the cathedral kirk of Orknaye, under Robert bishop of Orknaye and Yetland, to their wellbeloved brother and friend sir David Fallasdall, prebendar of Sanct Duthockis kirk in Orknaye, of their lands in Yetland in the parish of Dunrossnes, 'or ony place of Yetland, quhilkis pertenis to us the saidis channonis for our service and uphalding of the morne mess said at our ladye alter wythin the cathedrall kyrk of Orknaye, for 19 years, for payment of 5 'pakis' of 'waldmaill' and 2 barrells of butter yearly, 'on alhallowevin, to be deliverit to us, our successoris or chaplanis apoun the ayr of Kyrkwall'. At Dumbartane,
Disposition by Peter Mawnyssone to an honourable man and his great friend Gyl[bert] Cant, of 8½ mark land in Skarreis, 'in ane tune callyt Stoyf', in the 'benfyik' of Quhaylsay. Because Peter has no seal of his own he procures those of honourable and discreet men: Olay Synclar of Haveray, Mawnis Sinclar, Nycoll Reid, lawman, Adam Neving and Thomas Kettyll. At Garth in Nestyng, . Witnesses: sir Thomas Cryst..., vicar of Nesting, sir Nycoll Wyschart, sir Jhon Murray, Maunis ...n...son, Wyllam Lesly and Gelis Towyllaye;