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BBCRS/1/9/178 · Deel · 19 February 2002
Part of BBC Radio Shetland audio material

Kathy Hubbard

Interviewed by Mary Blance.
Transmitted 19 February 2002

  1. Early recollections - moving house, brothers, Manchester then North Wales. Catholic schooling, then comprehensive. Had a gap year on a hill farm in Wales, her introduction to sheep, then to cattle ranch in Wyoming - "I grew up then" - was expected to cook and had to learn, cattle driving. (8.43)
  2. Fairport Convention - Farewell, Farewell (2.36)
  3. Took linguisitics, English and American literature at university, then joined Probation Service. Trained at Strangeways Prison, Manchester, and onto Special Rehabilitation Unit for in Sheffield. Worked in multi-ethnic community in Bristol. Also did child and family welfare work - child abuse etc. Met husband at fancy dress party in Dorset and was only one in fancy dress (witch), future spouse had fortunately come as Dracula - "We're in this together." (9.39)
  4. Violin concerto (2.56)
  5. In 1984 took holiday in Shetland, returned and moved here in 1990 - "owe it to the Ratter family." Got job setting up community service for offenders, and did Msc. as mature student. Now project manager for Arts Trust. (10.35)
  6. Jacqueline du Pre - Elgar concerto (1.57)
  7. Interest in Shetland sheep - Bertie Ratter of Leascole gave her Foula sheep, and there as later input from Benji Hunter. Keeps sheep as pets. Has half a dozen coloured sheep. Film club activities. Amnesty International work arose from feelings about penal instruments being made in UK. Has campaigned for prisoners abroad. Involvement with Amnesty community play "Killing Games." Philosophy of life - avoid needless cruelty. Enjoyment of choral singing. (7.37)
  8. Mozart - requiem (3.13)


BBCRS/1/10/1 · Deel · 15 June 1984
Part of BBC Radio Shetland audio material

Books Programme

Edward Smith, singer - Planning Song aka 'A Peerie Glessie Porch Afore da Door', with Eddie Barclay, guitar.
Laurence Graham reviews Essays in Shetland History, ed. Barbara Crawford.
Eunice Henderson, fiddle, accompanied by Violet Tulloch on piano - Donald MacLean's Farewell to Oban, Miller o Dervil, and Da Auld Wheel.
Tamar and Beenie - Shetland dialect spot with Mary Blance and Rhoda Bulter.
Ian Burns, fiddle - Helen Gray, Willie Thomson's Bride, and Winnie's Prediction.
Charlie Simpson reviews Shetland Life and Trade, by Hanse Smith.
Mary Blance interviews Hance Smith about his book Shetland Life and Trade.
Mid Yell Bairns - Fetlar Lullaby.

BBCRS/1/10/10 · Deel · 17 October 1988
Part of BBC Radio Shetland audio material

Books Programme

Presented by Caroline Moyes.

John Graham - reading the scene where the factor arrives to demand the rent, from his novel The Shadowed Valley. (7.39)
John Hunter - library news, new fiction titles. (3.41)
Caroline Moyes interviews short story winners, A. Haynes (0.54), reads story (1.59) and Peter Ratter (2.26), who reads from his story, Monster Circus. (3.07)
Mary Blance interviews T.M.Y. Manson about Shetland Literary Prize, given to John Graham, also awarding of prizes to Walter Scott and Richard Palmer for Flowering Plants and Ferns of Shetland, and Shetland Youth Theatre for herring gutting play, 'It was Hard Work but …' (3.51)
John Waters reviews Spycatcher by Peter Wright. (4.06)
Caroline Moyes interviews Fiona French and Jennifer Westwood about children's book week. Concentrates on process of producing book, especially illustration, also discusses various other projects they have been involved with. (9.29)
Gordon Walterson reviews The Waves are Free, history of Norwegian resistance fighters in Shetland, by J.W. Irvine. (5.31)


BBCRS/1/10/13 · Deel · 20 February 1989
Part of BBC Radio Shetland audio material

Books Programme

Presented by Mary Blance.

Mary Blance interviews John Hunter, SIC chief librarian - library delivery service.
Mary Blance interviews James R. Nicolson about Shetland Life magazine 100th issue, responses of contributors over the years etc., now sells circa 3,000 issues p.m.
Mary Blance, new plays at Drama Festival.
Mary Blance interviews Arthur Watt about nominations for Shetland Literary Prize - notably the lack of.
John Robertson reading erroneous article from AA Book of Britain.
Charlie Simpson, accordion - Galley March, Da Docks Boys (both by Gideon Stove).
Mary Blance reviews The Green Consumer Guide
Mary Blance interviews Joy Hendry, editor of Scottish literary magazine, Chapman.
Mary Blance interviews James Smith, age 8, about Supertest, 39 Ways to Test Your Speed and Skill.
Mary Blance interviews Jim Rennie about his library.

BBCRS/1/10/17 · Deel · 15 May 1989
Part of BBC Radio Shetland audio material

Books Programme


Alan Inkster, reviews Gardening Which. '… I was not convinced that it was meant for folk living in Shetland, to be honest, I'm still not convinced …'
Mary Blance interviews Ian Crichton Smith, about writing in Gaelic, relationship with Lewis, and his novels. Reads his poem, The Departing Island.
John Hunter, SIC chief librarian - library news, especially travel guides.
Hugh MacMillan, in Lerwick for launch of Briggistanes literary broadsheet, reads his poems The Spanish Soldier, and Giant in Remembering.
Mary Blance interviews T.M.Y. Manson, about Lerwick antiquarian, E.S. Reid Tait, his interest in printing, and his publication of Old Statistical Account for Shetland.
Brian Smith reviews Dear Allies by Margaret Henderson, former A.E.I. teacher, about correspondence and messages sent between Leningrad (now St. Petersburgh) and Airdrie and Coatbridge during World War Two.
Billy Tait, discussing his poem A Day Atween Wadders, which he also reads.

BBCRS/1/10/23 · Deel · Circa December 1990
Part of BBC Radio Shetland audio material

Books Programme

Charlie Simpson reviews Any Ordinary Journey, a book about Orcadian explorer in Canada, Dr John Rae.
Linda Glanville, reviews Cycle of Life, autobiographical work by Davy Simmons.
Mary Blance interviews James Smith, child, about the Dorling Kindersley Bird Atlas.
Mary Blance interviews John Hunter, SIC chief librarian about news from Shetland library, including microfilming of Shetland News, newspaper.
Kim Karam reviews the Dorling Kindersley Science Encyclopedia.
? Robertson, singing Jack Peterson's poem, Seine Netters
Mary Blance interviews John Graham about Grace Barnes play of his novel Shadowed Valley.
Jacqueline Clark, Brae Junior High School, interviewed by Mary Blance about publication by Young Enterprise Group of book of Shetland ghost stories, Tales from the Dark Side.
Brenda Laurenson reviews the Book of Scottish Surnames by James Black, and Tracing Your Scottish Ancestors, HMSO.
Mary Blance interviews Gladys Amedro about her book on Shetland Lace.
Flora Shearer reviews book Fishermen's Sweaters, by Alice Stanmore.

BBCRS/1/10/24 · Deel · 13 March 1991
Part of BBC Radio Shetland audio material

Books Programme

Presented by Mary Blance.

Joan Easton reviews the Greenpeace book, The North Sea, by Malcolm MacGarvin.
John Allan, interviewed by Mary Blance, about his knitting book Fabulous Fair Isle.
Tom Smith reviews Distant Shores, by Sally Crook, a book of canoe journeys.
Mary Blance - forthcoming books by Bobby Tulloch, Migrations, and Jonathan Wills, A Place in the Sun.
Mary Blance interviews Frank S. Walterson, about illustrating reprint of the Lowri stories, by Joseph Gray.
Laurence Graham reads Joseph Gray's story, Lowri in da Dry Dock.
Mary Blance reviews The Genie and the Fishermen, children's book.
Mary Blance interviews Professor Gordon Donaldson, about his book, the Shetland Court Book, 1615-1629.
Mary Blance - announcing forthcoming publication of Shetland's Sons and Daughters, by Margaret S. Robertson, and The Giving Years by James W. Irvine.
Andy Long reviews Jimmy MacGregor's book MacGregor Across Scotland.
Mary Blance - review of North of the Sun by Fred Hatfield, about life as a trapper in Alaska.

BBCRS/1/10/29 · Deel · 12 January 1991
Part of BBC Radio Shetland audio material

Books Programme

Presented by Mary Blance.

Runrig - song.
Davy Gardner reviews Goin Home, biography of rock group Runrig by Tom Morton.
Mary Blance interviews Beatrice Nisbet, Shetland Times publications manager, about importance of local publishers, also reprints, and upcoming publications - Shetland Postcards book to appear in summer.
Savourna Stevenson, harp - Da Auld Noost (Ronnie Jamieson)
Mary Robertson reviews A Celebration and Other Poems, by Stella Sutherland.
Mary Blance interviews Trevor Hunter about his recent cassette. Influences on his style, importance of George Sutherland and Willie Hunter, tuition from Tom Anderson, his admiration for Swedish fiddle player Sven Nyhus.
Trevor Hunter, fiddle, - Swedish tune
Trevor Hunter interview contd. - importance of accompaniment. Errors in sleeve notes. Importance of classical styles.
Trevor Hunter, fiddle - Tune.
Competition results for November.
Mary Blance interviews John Hunter, SIC chief librarian about most popular books in library, most requested author is Catherine Cookson, in non-fiction, Hannah Hauxwell.