Kathy Hubbard
Interviewed by Mary Blance.
Transmitted 19 February 2002
- Early recollections - moving house, brothers, Manchester then North Wales. Catholic schooling, then comprehensive. Had a gap year on a hill farm in Wales, her introduction to sheep, then to cattle ranch in Wyoming - "I grew up then" - was expected to cook and had to learn, cattle driving. (8.43)
- Fairport Convention - Farewell, Farewell (2.36)
- Took linguisitics, English and American literature at university, then joined Probation Service. Trained at Strangeways Prison, Manchester, and onto Special Rehabilitation Unit for in Sheffield. Worked in multi-ethnic community in Bristol. Also did child and family welfare work - child abuse etc. Met husband at fancy dress party in Dorset and was only one in fancy dress (witch), future spouse had fortunately come as Dracula - "We're in this together." (9.39)
- Violin concerto (2.56)
- In 1984 took holiday in Shetland, returned and moved here in 1990 - "owe it to the Ratter family." Got job setting up community service for offenders, and did Msc. as mature student. Now project manager for Arts Trust. (10.35)
- Jacqueline du Pre - Elgar concerto (1.57)
- Interest in Shetland sheep - Bertie Ratter of Leascole gave her Foula sheep, and there as later input from Benji Hunter. Keeps sheep as pets. Has half a dozen coloured sheep. Film club activities. Amnesty International work arose from feelings about penal instruments being made in UK. Has campaigned for prisoners abroad. Involvement with Amnesty community play "Killing Games." Philosophy of life - avoid needless cruelty. Enjoyment of choral singing. (7.37)
- Mozart - requiem (3.13)