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Letter by James Linklater, Uyeasound, to Messrs James Irvine of Midbreck, and George Irvine, Uyasound.
Letter by James Linklater, Uyeasound, to Messrs James Irvine of Midbreck, and George Irvine, Uyasound.
Papers concerning divisions of  Unknown place.
Papers concerning divisions of Unknown place.
Photograph of sketch, from memory, by John Nisbit, Brighton, of south part of east side of Uyasound, Unst.
Photograph of sketch, from memory, by John Nisbit, Brighton, of south part of east side of Uyasound, Unst.
Report by Alexander Sandison, Uyasound, concerning bent on sand of Breakon and Midbrake.
Report by Alexander Sandison, Uyasound, concerning bent on sand of Breakon and Midbrake.