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SC12/53/1/ page 575 · Part · 1 February 1690
Part of Lerwick Sheriff Court records

15 merk land 6 pennies the merk in Strand, 4 merk land 8 pennies the merk in Wadbister, 3 merk land 6 pennies the merk in Greenwall, 6 merk land 6 pennies the merk in Gott, 15 merk land 8 pennies the merk in Burra, 5 merk land 6 pennies the merk in Deall, 9 merk land 8 pennies the merk in Northsetter and 3 merk land in Cleisbou 6 pennies the merk, 9 merk land 8 pennies the merk in Northgairth, 5 merk land 6 pennies the merk in Stenswall, 1½ merk land in Houlland and 10½ merk land 8 pennies the merk in Westerhoull all in the parish of Tingwall; 3 merk udal land and 3 merk feued Kings land in Tou in the parish of Gulberrie; 2½ merk land in Nesbister, 2 merk land in Brouagerth in the parish of Whyteness; 6 merk land in Kirkhouss in the parish of Twat; 3 merk land in East Burrafirth in the parish of Easting; 6 merk land in Houssetter in the parish of Northmaven as also 1½ merk land in Walsetter; and 2 ures, ½ ure and a sixth part ure land in Deall in the parish of Tingwall.