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SC12/65/3/p21 · Part · 6 August 1539
Part of Lerwick Sheriff Court records

Tack by sir Nycholl Hawcraye, parson of Orfer, master Adam Stewart, parson of Stronessaye, master Alexander Craik, parson of Hoye, master Alexander Scot, parson of Westraye, master Petyr Houstoun, parson of Our Ladye kirk of Sandaye, and master Andro Hall, parson of the Croce kirk of Sandaye, canons of the cathedral kirk of Orknaye, under Robert bishop of Orknaye and Yetland, to their wellbeloved brother and friend sir David Fallasdall, prebendar of Sanct Duthockis kirk in Orknaye, of their lands in Yetland in the parish of Dunrossnes, 'or ony place of Yetland, quhilkis pertenis to us the saidis channonis for our service and uphalding of the morne mess said at our ladye alter wythin the cathedrall kyrk of Orknaye, for 19 years, for payment of 5 'pakis' of 'waldmaill' and 2 barrells of butter yearly, 'on alhallowevin, to be deliverit to us, our successoris or chaplanis apoun the ayr of Kyrkwall'. At Dumbartane,

SC12/65/1/4 · Item · 28 January 1543
Part of Lerwick Sheriff Court records

Disposition by Peter Mawnyssone to an honourable man and his great friend Gyl[bert] Cant, of 8½ mark land in Skarreis, 'in ane tune callyt Stoyf', in the 'benfyik' of Quhaylsay. Because Peter has no seal of his own he procures those of honourable and discreet men: Olay Synclar of Haveray, Mawnis Sinclar, Nycoll Reid, lawman, Adam Neving and Thomas Kettyll. At Garth in Nestyng, . Witnesses: sir Thomas Cryst..., vicar of Nesting, sir Nycoll Wyschart, sir Jhon Murray, Maunis ...n...son, Wyllam Lesly and Gelis Towyllaye;

SC12/65/3/p9 · Part · 1544
Part of Lerwick Sheriff Court records

Declaration by Mattie Storssonn, lawman in Bergen, Jon Sÿmonssonn and Anders Pederssonn, councillors (raadmendt) there, that they were present at Bergen on Wednesday [?before] St Margaret's day in 1544. They transcribe a letter dated at Bergen on St Lawrence day in 1536, where Niels Angusson sells to Jon, son of Magnus the bondi, all his parts of farms which he owns in Hieltlandt: 6 marks in Hammerland and Giot. For further certainty Niels Angusson asks Thomes Jonsson, Sÿmon Erlandsson and Heming Olsson to put their marks under the letter.;

SC12/65/3/p5 · Part · 26 April 1545
Part of Lerwick Sheriff Court records

Declaration by sir Andro Hiel, parish priest and official over Hieltland in temporals, sir Andro Wissiarth, parish priest in Sandzting, Andres Tollach, foud (fogütt) of Nordenn Moffue, Magnus Tollach, lawrightman (lawgrettismandt) there, and Willom Biwstedt, foud of Dalleting, that they were present at Edhe in Eydzting on 26 April 1545. They transcribe a letter dated at Eydÿe in Eysting on the Monday next before the feast of St Gregory, where Niels Willomsson, lawman (laugmandt) in Hieltlandt, Tomes Rigardzonn, Magnus Jonsson and Tomess Enngusson testified that they witnessed an exchange between Niels Tomesson, and Margrette Sandersdotter, daughter and heir of Allexander Tomesson. Niels Tomesson appeared on his own behalf, and Torwaldt Hendrichson on behalf of Margrette, his daughter's daughter. It was decided that Niels Tomesson should have 20 marks burnt in Eyde, and 10 marks in Nesthe(?) Brecko, and that Margrette Sandersdotter should get 12 marks in Hulle, which her father chose for himself as his head farm (hoffude bulle) on the seventh day in presence of his mother Marioun Skott. Sande was the eldest brother and therefore had first choice. Other lands are to be laid under the head farm, so that it is equally as good as Eyde. (In Danish);

SC12/65/3/p23 · Part · 10 December 1546
Part of Lerwick Sheriff Court records

Proceedings of a 'scaund' (meeting to decide inheritance) held by an honourable man Olave Sinclayr of Havoray, 'heyd fold' of Yetland, 'and thare syttand with hym in jugyment' a worshipful man Nycoll Rayd, lawman of Yetland 'in that tyme', 'with mony uthyris gantyll men and comonis that wes gadyrrit thar'. There compeared before them an honourable woman Margret Rayd, the spouse of an honourable man Gilbert Cant, and Margret's brother Thorrald Sudyrland, who agreed concerning all goods and heritage they might claim after their mother Katerinn Tho[rral]disdocthotter of Broycht, as follows. Margret and Gilbert give Thorrald £20 Scots in complete payment of Thorrald's right; Margret will 'suple' Thorrald, and 'help and fordyr him to service and takkis, quhen he desyris hyr, within the romys of Yetland and without, quhat scho may do of suplicatiounis to freyndis, or ony uther plesour that schow may gudly do quhen scho is requiryt be the said Thorrall tyll wrycht and honor'; Gilbert obliges himself to help Thorrald 'largely with his geyr and to be his gud frend in all plasis and he hes ado in his just defence'. At Howeff, Because Thorrald has no seal he procures those of Olave Sinclayr, Nycholl Rayd, sir Nicoll Wyschert, vicar pensioner of Dunrosnes, and Thomas Kettell. Witnesses: Weyllim Logayne, master Allexander Was, Waillam Coc(?), Jhone Al... and Jhone Rork(?). According to a note on the verso the document was produced at Skalloway on 27 July 1581;