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SC12/65/1/1 · Item · 20 January 1490
Part of Lerwick Sheriff Court records

Because Jhone has no seal of his own he procures those of worshipful men: Gelis Farquhar, bailie to the bishop of Orknay and Jhone of Crage, lawman of Orknay. At Kirkwaw. Witnesses: William Atkynson, thesaurer of Dornoch, Alexander Liske, Andro Rede and William Man, burgesses of Kirkwaw, Nichole of Burrden(?) and George Millar

Nineteenth century transcripts of old deeds, mainly concerning Orkney. Copy of charter (in Norse) by Olaf Magnusson to David Sinclair of Swinaborg, concerning lands of Underhoule in Unst, 26 July 1498; Copy decree (in Norse) by lawmen of Bergen, reversing a sale of lands in Orkney, 1485 ('ex originali penes dominum Sinclair'); Letter of grant (in Norse) of kirklands of Orkney, by John, King of Denmark and Norway, to Sir David Sinclair of Swinburgh, 1 January 1491-2; Note of charters of lands in Orkney and Shetland, undated.

SC12/65/1/5 · Item · circa 1500s
Part of Lerwick Sheriff Court records

Disposition by Michaell Magnusson, nearest heir of his father the deceased Magnus Wilyeamson, to a discreet man Gilbert Cant, of 3 mark land in Beuasetter, isle of Brasay, 'in the parichin of Sanct Olawe'. Michaell also confirms the alienation by his brother Williem Magnusson 'and me' to Gilbert of 6 mark land in Beuasetter. Because Michaell has no seal he procures those of discreet men: sir Andro Hill, vicar of Ounst, and sir Nicholl Wischart, vicar pensioner of Dunrossness, with the 'sing manuell' of sir David Anderson, notary public. Undated. Witnesses: sir Alexander Strang, vicar of Awe(?), Walter Cruny(?), Matheus Mowet, Williem Foular, Gilbert Copland and sir David Farquhar.