The discharge is of all debts, etc., owing to him and Robert Bruce, his deceased father, and ‘goodshire’, by the deceased William Donaldsone, his father, John Donaldsone, his uncle, John Donaldsone, his brother, and the said William Donaldsone, ‘as also of all booth and house mealls or uther debts ever addebted, restand and awand by him or them upon whatsumever accompt, cause or conditione heirto foire’. At Wilsnes.
5 merk land in Toft in Strand, yet 5 merk 2 ures there, 7 merk 4 ures land in Bigtoun, 2 merk land in Overland, yet 4 ures there, 1 merk 2 ures land in Longhouse yet 2 merk land there, 1 merk land in Northhouse in Gruting, 2 merk 2 ures land in Hill, yet 2 ures there, 11 merk 7 ures land in Funzie yet 1 merk 3 ures there, with the booth and strand and air of Funzie; 4 merk 6 ures land in Bailiegerth or Baliegord yet 7 merk 2 ures there, 1 merk land in Littlaland yet 2 merk 3 ures there, 5 merk 4 ures land in Aith yet 2 merk land there, 5 merk 4 ures land in Underhoull yet ½ merk there, 12 merk land in Bailzia, 10 merk land in Goodmanshouse, 4 merk land in Gord, yet 4 merk there, 8 merk land in Seter, 12 merk land in Valzie yet 12 merk land there, 7 merk land in South Dale yet 4 merk land there, 5 merk land in North Dale, 6 merk 4 ures land in Clodon, 1 merk 4 ures land in Newhouse, 2 merk land in Culbinstoft, yet 4 merk 4 ures there, 6 merk land in Russatter yet 4 ures there, 2 merk 4 ures land in Urasatter, 9 merk land in Odsetter yet 1 merk there, 3 merk 4 ures land in Huscasetter, 1 merk 4 ures land in Foreland yet 1 merk there, 1 merk 7 ures land in Sand and Burgh, 8 merk 2 ures land in Hammer yet 1 merk 6 ures land there, 3 merk land in Fraccasetter, 6 merk land in Fografield, 16 merk 1 ure land in Urie yet 7 ures there, 21 merk land and 4 ures in Odstae yet 1 merk further there, 37 merk 4 ures land in Trestae yet 30 merk 4 ures land there, with the whole teinds both parsonage and vicarage of the said rooms and lands of Odsta and Trestae; 6 merk land in Crosbister yet 3 merk there, 1 merk land in Burgh, 2 merk 2 ures land in Gord in Houbie, 3 merk 6 ures land in Heillierness, 6 merk land in Lamb Hogga, together with the whole hill and pasture of Lamb Hogga; 1 merk land in Mailland, 9 merk 6 ures land in Sand, 2 merk land in Snaburgh, 2 merk 4 ures land in Sheritsvoe [?], 2 merk 4 ures land in Toun, 5 merk 4 ures land in Strand, 2 merk 4 ures land in Vinsatter and 12 merks land more in the said roomes of Vellzie, Hellierness and Lambhogga .......... all lying in the island of Fetlar; the island called Sound Grunna and yet another island called Urealinga ... lying adjacent to the island of Fetlar
96 merk land in room of Quendale, 66½ merk land in Hillwall, 88 merk land in Gerth, 9 merk land in Culsetter, 12 merk land in Baccaste, 6 merk land in Semblase, 16 merk land in Ringistae, 14 merk 2 ures land in Noss, 3 merk land in Lunabister, 2 merk land in Scousburgh, 27½ merk land in Rearweck, 4 merk land in Bigtowne, 2 merk land in Hellysetter, 1 merk land in Vatsetter, 9 merk land in Deepdale, 29½ merk land land in Scatness yet ½ merk there, 14 merk land in Hestinsgoat, 16 merk land in Utilsgerth, 62½ merk land in Lie, 15 merk land in Oxenstae, 6 merk land in North Dale, 21 merk land in South Dale, 71 merk land in Exnaboe, 6 merk land in South Voe, 1½ merk land in North Voe, 3½ merk land in Simragerth, 16 merk land in Brow, 3 merk land in Voesbodim, 1 merk land in Outvoe, 1½ merk land in Dallsetter, 2 merk land in the Burgh, 18 merk land in Skellberrie, 11½ merk land in Trosweek, 1 merk land in Lugasetter, 1½ merk land in Levinweek, 21 merk land in Channerweek, 10 merk land in Hoesweek, 4 merk land in Cullsetter, 6 merk land in Cumlaweek, 18 merk land in Houland, 18 merk land in Burraland, 12 merk land in Sand, 6 merk land in Liabutune, 36 merk land in Sandweek, 3 merk land in Pickagerth, 15 merk land in Setter with the pendicle belonging thereto called Setteragarth, 8 merk land in Viasetter, 3 merk land in Beolka, ½ merk land in Scarpigerth, 4½ merk land in Gord, 2 merk land in Blostae, 1 merk land in Tow, 2½ merk land in Starkigerth, 5½ merk land in Fladabister, 46 merk land in Aith, together with the island called Musa and the holme called Collsay, the meckle and little cress [grass] holms, all lying in the parish of Dunrossness ....'
Commisioners of supply in Zetland: Laurence Stewart of Biggtoune, Andrew Mowatt of Gairth, Patrick Lesslie of Ustanes, George Cheyne of Estlamonth, George Mowatt of Hamnavoe, John Giffard of Bustay, Mr Alexander Sinclair, minister at Delting, Theodore Umphray, minister at Nesting, Magnus Chyne of Hogister, John Bruce of Simbister, Captaine Laurence Middletoune and Andrew Thomspone in Scalloway, Robert Hunter of Lunna and Thomas Fea of Skellingsta.