Good Evening Shetland
Good Evening Shetland
Good Evening Shetland
Good Evening Shetland
Good Evening Shetland
Good Evening Shetland
Good Evening Shetland
Good Evening Shetland
News, read by Les Lowes. Herring fishery in North and Central North Sea closed after only two weeks, poor quality of stock cited as cause. Ritchie Simpson – Department of Agriculture and Fisheries said fishery would close if large quantity of catch went for fish meal, but only market for herring is klondykers in Lerwick, not much shore market in Fraserburgh either, but catch not lost altogether, can be added into summer catch. LL -- West coast herring quota to change according to length of boat. West coast mackerel fishing to continue after 29th February but boats will not be able to fish in area north of 58 degrees after that. Norscot base workforce vote in favour of union recognition, sixty-one Norscot staff to be offered jobs with new employer. Shetland due to have a three ferry service with Smyril arrival from Faroe to take over from St Clair undergoing refit. Scottish Secretary of State George Younger expected to make Commons statement about road equivalent tariff, expected to announce abandoning of RET proposals and increase ferry subsidy instead, SIC had been aiming for modified version of RET. SIC Transport Officer Bob Hepburn advises early booking of St Clair ferry this summer to SIC Transport Committee as unknown how many people will travel rom Aberdeen to Lerwick in first season of Faroese ferry Norrona link. SIC Roads and Transport defer decision on experimental closure of Commercial Street to traffic. Ivy Cluness report on Shetland Fishermens Association have written to Department of Agriculture and Fisheries objecting to government policy on restrictive licencing – SAF have advocated restrictive licensing scheme but it cannot operate alone needs monitoring by licensing authority, feel government proposals could lead to concentration of Scottish inshore fleet in a few hands via license purchase, have offered to meet officials to explain problem. Northmavine Up Helly Aa to have two Viking princesses. Bressay Church of Scotland congregation protest sale of Bressay manse. Joanne Henderson -- meeting planned to establish Gingerbread Group for single parents in Shetland, listened to Radio Shetland programme on loneliness, wants to get single parents together to set up self-help group, feels there are a lot of single parents in Shetland, and that there’s a lot that can be done. Three black pones wandering the Lochside area now in a field at South Lochside, police appealing for owners to collect them.
Report by Les Lowes on thefts for vessels. Detective Sergeant Arnold Duncan – thefts from fishing boats in Morrison Dock, lately pleasure craft targeted, theft of tools etc., but initial break-ins pointed to no theft intended, possibly be vagrants seeking shelter. Constable James Gilbertson, crime prevention – remove valuables from boats, use proper locks, and check regularly, have leaflets available at station, making up poster for LHD and Westside Fishermen premises.
Ritchie Simpson – Fishing report.
Leslie Angus, depute director SIC Social Work, interviewed by Suzanne Gibbs– clarifying residential cost issues for elderly. Health Board responsible for hospitals for elderly, Monfield and about to close Old Gilbert Bain, where there is no means assessment. SIC run Viewforth, Kantersted premises, and Church of Scotland run Walter and Joan Gray facility in Scalloway, new SIC facility to open in Mid Yell. Costs £118 to keep a person in Viewforth or Kantersted per week, but average pensioner pays £26.30. Law says ignore first £1200 of savings, but pay 25 pence for every fifty pounds of capital after that. Standard of local authority provision –“very modern amenity.”
Bertie Ratter, Northmavine Up Helly Aa Guizer Jarl, on telephone, interviewed by Ivy Cluness – “hit wis a poor morning” but got galley moored at Hillswick and the bill up. Photos of squad at Hillswick, galley taken in between four and five. Describes costume, squad represents a dolphin but has no particular name. Viking princesses – “my peerie lass and a peerie lass fae just wast by wis.” Describes princess costume. 120-130 guizers in all, about 107 torch carriers.
Joanne Henderson, interviewed by Les Lowes – getting all single parents together for proposed Gingerbread Group, wants to set up crèche and playgroup. Long term wants a five day a week playschool for under-fives for working parents. Income is limited for single parents, can’t get out to work. Arranging for mini-bus and lifts for people wanting to attend meeting.
What’s On, read by Rhoda Bulter.
Trailer for Shetland Special programme.
Sport News, read by Rhoda Bulter.
Mary Blance -- Crash barriers in Shetland nominated as an eyesore.
Harbour report, read by Suzanne Gibbs.
Good Evening Shetland
Recording begins slightly late
News. Gibby Irvine report – SIC debate on westside road problems, councillor T.M.Y. Manson arguing for tunnel at Wormadale, Councillor Gordon Walterson felt that idea unfeasible, Director of Construction Billy Smith notes alternative route not taken up, committee agreed to wait for report on compulaory purchase etc. on route already agreed. Mary Blance report – biggest ever entry for Young Fiddler of the year competition, 25 senior entries, Ronnie Jamieson donating trophy to be presented in honour of father, adjudicators James Halcrow and Gordon Yeaman. Ivy Cluness report on Shetland winning inter-county badminton, Keith Moffat in last year as junior and has never lost a game against Orkney, Shetland now on to Highland Restricted competition. Burra and Trondra estate belongs to SIC, confirmed by councillor Willie Cumming to Burra and Trondra Community Council, suggestion that the two isles should administer estate not taken up but have suggested trust system to SIC. Election for Lerwick Community Council Clickimin ward, candidates W.J. Isbister, and John Alexander Robertson. SIC to send councillor Jim Irvine and transport officer Bob Hepburn, to Edinburgh to convince government of benefits of RET, also meeting of COSLA Transport Committee, and meeting with P&O. Federation of Councils of Social Service for Highlands and Islands send letter to Secretary of State for Scotland protesting change of mind on RET, even with increase in subsidy the cost per mile is higher than for road users on mainland. Mary Blance report -- Lerwick Community Council to ask SIC to consider disc parking scheme for town, dividing it into parking zones with time limits, driver shows disc with time of arrival, checks made by police/traffic wardens. Lerwick Community Council correspondence re. Commercial Street traffic and joyriding, do not support bollards at Stouts Court, but back Queens Hotel through Twageos road to be made access only. Ivy Cluness report -- SIC General Services Committee debate on help in cases of fire, via Northern Fire Brigade HQ in Inverness, Lawson Crichton, Firemaster – best to dial 999 to reach manned control in Inverness. New Foula pier to cost approximately £700,000, £505,00 for pier works, Captain Gordon Walterson said a public meeting on island had considered more ambitious schemes, present depth of water at pier means times when SIC vessel Spes Clara can’t get alongside and last year now livestock trips to island. Josie Manson gets planning permission for pier at Gaza, Sullom, for export of rock from Sullom and Haggrister Quarries, problems about noise levels, especially at night, mean original plan for Punds, Sullom, caused move to site using less public road.
Mary Blance report on hyperbaric chamber provision for MS sufferers, interview with Cecil Eunson, chair of local branch of ARMS –forty folk at meeting and interesting speech by Dr James, lively discussion, disappointment that MS Society didn’t send some to discussion, cost of treatment centre £12-14,000 for unity, building extra, intend to go ahead, pledge of £1000 at meeting, donation of £30 the following day, has idea for centre location.
Mary Blance, interview with Edwin Cope, Busta House Hotel, on telephone – new “garden wing” extension to hotel overlooking garden and water, doubled dining room capacity, added ten bedrooms, Busta a listed building, wanted to enhance the character, matched gables, one guest said he couldn’t work out where new addition was.
Ivy Cluness interviews Laureen Jamieson, Islesburgh Drama Group – plans for evening of drama during forthcoming 1985 Hamefarin, one act play competition, hopes plays from drama festival could be used, not necessarily in dialect, plays should not be winners of writing competition before.
Lawson Crichton, firemaster – volunteer fire brigade members should not be contacted in emergencies, as might not be available and time will be lost, Inverness centre has complete list of volunteers for contact, 999 only recognised system that will work.
What’s On, read by Rhoda Bulter.
Les Lowes – judges in Court of Session agree to recall arrestment on Sandrina ship at Sullom Voe.
Cape Breton Symphony Visit to Shetland, played by Willie Hunter, fiddle, and Violet Tulloch, piano.
Recording ends slightly early.