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SA4/1663 · 2005
Part of Books and publications


William Thomson, 'Harald Fairhair, Torf Einar and Orkneyinga Saga';

Bo Almqvist, 'What's in a word? folklore contacts between Norsemen and Gaels as reflected in Orkneyinga Saga';

Raymond Lamb, '"Where local knowledge is so valuable": nautical practicalities and the earliest Viking age in Orkney';

Amanda Forster, 'Steatite, resource control and the Orkney earldom';

Ann Brundle, 'The unimportance of early Birsay';

Barbara E. Crawford, 'Thorfinn, Christianity and Birsay: what the saga tells us and archaeology reveals';

Theya Molleson, 'Life and death in Orkney during the time of the sagas';

Judith Jesch and Theya Molleson, 'The death of Magnus Erlendsson and the relics of St Magnus';

Haki Antonsson, 'St Magnús of Orkney: aspects of his cult from a European perspective';

Raymond Lamb and Judith Robertson, 'Kirkwall: saga, history, archaeology';

Olwyn Owen, 'History, archaeology and Orkneyinga Saga: the case of Tuquoy';

James H. Barrett, 'Svein Asleifarson and 12th-century Orcadian society';

'Orkneyinga saga - a brief guide to saga sites to visit in Orkney'

Things in the Viking World
SA4/3439 · 2012
Part of Books and publications


Olwyn Owen, 'Things in the Viking world - an introduction'

Anne-Karin Misje, 'The Gulathing code of law - Norway'

Torfi Stefán Jónsson, 'Thingvellir as an early national centre - Iceland'

Arne Thorsteinsson, 'District thingsteads in the Faroe'

Brian Smith, 'Shetland's tings'

Sarah Jane Gibbon, 'Orkney's things'

David MacDonald, 'Dingwall - a northern Scottish enigma'

Andrew Johnson, 'Tynwald - ancient site, modern institution - Isle of Man'